Initially I missed the C in the acronym BCLCIRA when I created this blog. This was noticed by our treasurer, Nancy Sinclair, and I fixed it but now the original exists in Google memory which may cause you to end up on a non existent blog! By posting today I am hoping that Google might update! If you visit this site and would like to visit again please bookmark it.
Summer seems to be rapidly coming to a close and I, personally, am in the midst of doing an Intermediate Summer Insitute with 11 keen teachers giving up a couple of days of summer to update! Two recent IRA books have proven popular with my participants. They are Comprehension Shouldn't Be Silent and Quality Comprehension: A Strategic Model of Reading Instruction Using Read-Along Guides, Grades 3-6. In the Vancouver School Board we already have a book club using Comprehension Shouldn't Be Silent planned. Quality Comprehension is the latest IRA book club selection. I also love that you can download all the read along guides.
Hi Meredyth, I'd like to include a few words about BCLCIRA's latest outreach program: Books for a Community Library in Rural Uganda. If anyone readin this has gently used softcover children's books to give to us, BCLCIRA has agreed to pay the postage to ship them to Uganda.
Honey Halpern
I would be happy to do that as it's a great project. I will also mention on my other blog!
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