As said before, trying to keep two blogs going is a real challenge so that it has taken me awhile to get back to this one!
My latest great idea is one stolen from NCTE, let's make October 20, a Provincial (or even National) Day of Writing. NCTE is doing this in the states which I learned when I went to their recent conference in San Antonio (note picture). After years of attending IRA conferences, it's kind of fun going to NCTE. Those of you going to Phoenix will have the opportunity to hear Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea who was wonderful! There were many great sessions and a real emphasis on how to interact with technology so that I will be very interested in hearing Don Leu in February! Reminder, early bird registration saves you $20 so please register before Christmas to take advantage! For a registration form just go to BCLCIRA's website.
My week took me out to Chilliwack where I gave a session to the Valley Council on Thinking About Reading Strategies k-9. When I was told my range of audience I must admit I was a bit dumbfounded but a challenge is always good, and my audience literally did range from a kindergarten teacher to several high school teachers. Anyway we had a good discussion and great food. Thanks to the Valley Council for organizing this event.
Donna McCormick is hard at work trying to organize us for a project on Cultural Sensitivity and I thought I would share you an ongoing project from the Vancouver School Board, Marbles,a searchable bibliography of library- and/or classroom-ready, fully reviewed books by Canadian authors that promote Multicultural and Anti-racism understandings.
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